Welcome to RideCEATS







The Corning Erwin Area Transit System (CEATS) is the public transportation service dedicated to providing safe, convenient and affordable transportation. 

Contact Us

Contact Us

All of us here at Corning Erwin Area Transit System take pride in the service that we provide. If you have any questions or comments, we are interested in them and would love to hear from you. Here is how to get a hold of us. Business Office Transdev 1201 Clemens Center Parkway Elmira, NY 14901 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Phone Numbers: System and Service Information - schedules and route information, fare and pass information, lost and found items, travel training, suggestions, comments and/or complaints: (607) 734-5211 or go to www.rideceats.com. Suspension and Complaint Resolution: For any suspension dispute or complaint resolution. Please contact the Director of Planning and Economic Development with the City of Corning. (607) 962-0340. Administration: Advertising& Employment Opportunities: (607) 734-5212 FAX Number: (607) 734-5207 TTY/TDD: Dial 711 or 211 City of Corning ADA Complaint Policy and Procedures


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability. The City of Corning shall not exclude an individual with a disability, from participating in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, activities, transit system or a facility. The City of Corning will not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. Any person who believes that they have been discriminated against, or denied access to our services, programs, activities, transit system or facilities because of their disability may submit a complaint directly to the City of Corning.


A written complaint should be made within 30 calendar days of the alleged incident to facilitate a prompt investigation and resolution. The written complaint should be as specific as possible and include the date the incident occurred, names of individuals involved, the facility, programs, services or activities involved, the nature of the problem and a proposed resolution. Include your full name, contact information and best method to reach you. To fill out and download our complaint policy and form use the link below: City of Corning ADA Complaint Policy and Procedures Link Or City of Corning ADA and Title VI Complaint form

Complaint Contact Information

Mail or email the complaint to: ADA Coordinator Jennifer Miller Director of Planning and Economic Development 500 Nasser Civic Center Plaza Corning, New York 14830 Phone (607) 962-0340 ext. 1117 / Dial 711 for TDD This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Us

All of us here at Corning Erwin Area Transit System take pride in the service that we provide. If you have any questions or comments, we are interested in them and would love to hear from you. Here is how to get a hold of us.
Business Office Transdev 1201 Clemens Center Parkway Elmira, NY  14901 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Phone Numbers:

System and Service Information -
schedules and route information
fare and
pass information
lost and found items,
travel training, suggestions, comments and/or complaints:

(607) 734-5211 or go to www.rideceats.com.


Suspension and Complaint Resolution: For any suspension dispute or complaint resolution.  Please contact the Director of Planning and Economic Development with the City of Corning.  (607) 962-0340.

Administration: Advertising& Employment Opportunities: (607) 734-5212

FAX Number: (607) 734-5207

TTY/TDD: Dial 711 or 211

City of Corning ADA Complaint Policy and Procedures


City of Corning ADA Complaint Policy and Procedures Link


 City of Corning ADA and Title VI Complaint form


If you need an alternative method to provide your complaint, you may contact the ADA

Coordinator and either provide a verbal complaint or request information in accessible formats

to be able to submit your complaint.


Within 10 days after receipt of the complaint, the ADA Coordinator will contact the complainant,

by mail, email, telephone or video conference, to discuss the complaint and to find a resolution.

Within 30 calendar days of the discussion, the ADA Coordinator will provide a written

explanation on the outcome of the complaint. A summary of the complaint and its closure will be

kept for five years.



Contacts for Complaints

City of Corning ADA and Title VI Complaint form

ADA Coordinator Jennifer Miller Director of Planning and Economic Development 500 Nasser Civic Center Plaza Corning, New York 14830 Phone (607) 962-0340 ext. 1117 / Dial 711 for TDD This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New York State Department of Transportation

Office of Diversity and Opportunity 50 Wolf Road, 6th Floor Albany, NY 12232 (518) 457-1129 Fax (518) 549-1273 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Federal Transit Administration

Office of Civil Rights Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590

Questions About this Policy

Questions concerning this policy and procedures may be directed to the City of Corning, Director of Planning and Economic Development at (607) 962-0340 ext. 1117 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Route 1

Corning Community College Route

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Route 2

East Gibson

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Route 3


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Route 4


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Route 5

Coopers Plains/Gang Mills/Painted Post

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