Welcome to RideCEATS
Title VI Complaints
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. The Federal Transit Administration requires CEATS Transit to use non-discriminatory practices in bus service.
If you believe you or others:
You have the right to register a Title VI complaint by writing to or calling:
Here is how to get a hold of us.
ADA Coordinator
Jennifer Miller
Director of Planning and Economic Development
500 Nasser Civic Center Plaza
Corning, New York 14830
Phone (607) 962-0340 ext. 1117 / Dial 711 for TDD
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone Numbers
System and Service Information - schedules and route information, fare and pass information, lost and found items, travel training, suggestions, comments and complaints:
607-734-5211 or www.rideceats.com
Advertising & Employment Opportunities:
(607) 734-5212
FAX Number
(607) 734-5207
Title VI Downloads
Employment @ Transdev
The City of Corning contracts for and oversees the operation of the CEATS, its public transit system, and Transdev has been the City of Corning’s private transportation operator for many years. Transdev would like to acknowledge and thank our fine professional staff of Bus Operators, Maintenance Employees, Dispatchers, Office Staff, Supervisors, and Managers for their hard work and years of dedicated service.
Customer service, like safety, is crucial to the way we do business. We provide cost-effective and high-quality service backed up by the best practices we’ve learned from five decades as an industry leader. Visit the Transdev website.
Tokens may be used in place of the $1.00 fare.
Tokens may be purchased at: Chemung County Transit System, 1201 Clemens Center Parkway, Elmira, NY 14901.
If you encounter any difficulty, have suggestions, or complaints, please call 1-800-445- 4423.
CEATS is a flag stop system which means a passenger may board a bus at any safe place along a fixed route. When you see the bus you want, signal the driver by waving.
Unlimited ridership on any fixed routes within the month for which the pass is valid.
Passes must be displayed each time you board and must remain in your possession for the entire trip. Pass' may be used by any member of you family.
No, pets are not allowed on the bus. Service animals are permitted.
Our bus operators are not allowed to handle money or give change.
Please be sure to have exact change to pay your fare for each trip.
Look at the bus schedule to determine the time point of when the bus will be at the location near you. PM times are in bold.
On Request (OR) means that the bus will stop with no additional fare, but only through a pre-arranged request.