Welcome to RideCEATS
Take your seat as quickly as possible. Never change seats while the bus is moving. Wait until the bus departs your stop before crossing the street. Refrain from engaging in unnecessary conversation with the driver. No pets, except service animals.
CEATS buses do NOT operate on New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
CEATS offers the convenience of a flag-stop system. This means you may flag the bus anywhere along the route and the driver will pull over at the closest, safe area. Please be obvious if you would like the driver to pull over by waving your arms or your CEATS bus pass and looking directly at the driver. To locate where a route travels, please review the "Routes" link on the top of the page. Each route has a map you may zoom in and see exactly where the bus travels.
1. No eating or drinking.
2. No smoking, including e-cigarettes or vaping.
3. No animals allowed unless it’s a service animal.
4. Place bags and packages on your lap and secured so as not to block the aisle or slide around.
5. Be prepared to pay the correct fare and present a valid identification card when requesting a reduced fare.
6. Use earphones when playing audio or video devices.
7. No littering, running, horseplay, or swearing.
8. Do not harass the driver and other passengers.
9. No posting or soliciting or distributing pamphlets without permission from CEATS.
Please refer to the 2016 Transit Passenger and Visitor Conduct Policy available by request by calling the CEATS office at 607-734-5211 or on www.rideCEATS.com. Drivers may discharge passengers who are not following the rules. Violation of public law such as assault, carrying a concealed weapon, and vandalism or property damage will be considered a serious offense. Failure to follow the rules could lead to suspension of ridership, including long term suspension.
CEATS is a flag stop system which means a passenger may board a bus at any safe place along a fixed route. When you see the bus you want, signal the driver by waving.
Look at the bus schedule to determine the time point of when the bus will be at the location near you. PM times are in bold.
On Request (OR) means that the bus will stop with no additional fare, but only through a pre-arranged request.
Our bus operators are not allowed to handle money or give change.
Please be sure to have exact change to pay your fare for each trip.
If you encounter any difficulty, have suggestions, or complaints, please call 1-800-445- 4423.
Unlimited ridership on any fixed routes within the month for which the pass is valid.
Passes must be displayed each time you board and must remain in your possession for the entire trip. Pass' may be used by any member of you family.
Tokens may be used in place of the $1.00 fare.
Tokens may be purchased at: Chemung County Transit System, 1201 Clemens Center Parkway, Elmira, NY 14901.
No, pets are not allowed on the bus. Service animals are permitted.